Friday 5 December 2014

Here we are making some reflections at maths time.  Can you see the mirror line/line of symmetry?
On Wednesday we went for a walk with constable Sue and Keely.  We learnt how to cross the road safely.

We planted sunflower seeds last term with Mrs Connor.  Thanks to James Cooper's mum for the seeds.  They grew so big that we had to plant them into the school garden!  You will have to come and check on them in the holidays.

Monday 1 December 2014

It has been a while since we posted anything so sorry.  We had a story teller come and visit us at the beginning of the this term and the kids made me and Mr Day volunteer!! I was a pretty good chicken. James McDonald was fantastic at being the sheep (I hope I didn't get that wrong) but unfortunately we forgot to take a photo of him.