Thursday 28 August 2014

Here is Olivia having a great time in Australia.  We wish we were there with her!
Looking good Murray family!

We have been learning about halves and quarters (fractions).  Making sandwiches was a fun way to practice this.  The children could choose jam or marmite to put on their sandwiches.  After they were made we ate them and wrote about the process.

Look at the cool patterns that some of the boys made at maths time when they had to choose an activity.

At reading time this week Lily, Riley and Megan read a book about making ladybirds so of course they made one!  They were very good at following instructions.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Look at Bede enjoying the Micky Mouse DVD at golden time on Friday.

We have had Constable Sue visit us this week and teach us about good and bad touching and good and bad secrets.  We know that we can tell an adult we trust if we are scared of something.

As part of maths week, last week, we made paper planes.  We followed the instructions and then decided to throw them outside and see whose would go the furthest.  Awatea and Kallum's plane went the furthest.  We had to measure the distance with Miss Connor's feet!  By the way, Mrs Cayless bet Nina and Miss Connor's pitiful throws!

We are so lucky in room 4 to have a student teacher for the rest of the term, Miss Connor.  Here she is helping us write.

At the moment we are learning how to write a procedure/instructions so of course we have done a lot of baking and making!  Here are some pictures of when we made cookies and happy cake.

Here is some cool writing about what we did.

Friday 8 August 2014

Having fun with the slime we made!  Kallum said it felt like sick - yuck.